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Tag: Interpretation

Super Snow Moon – February 19

Here we are at the gateway of another super moon and the first one we can really look forward to in some time. It builds off the good luck the […]

Super moon eclipse – January 20

Here we are at another full moon. It’s also a super moon which means it’s closer to our planet than usual. And tonight there will be a lunar eclipse. Very […]

Home is…

Home. Such a simple concept and yet always seeming to be just out of reach.

Long Nights Moon

Today I woke to this gorgeous nearly full moon illuminating the clouds from within and was reminded that even in the darkest days there is light. I took some time […]


There was I time I thought of myself as "Stormchaser". It was a label I assigned to offset the difficult times that seemed to follow me as a way of reversing the odds. 


Arms out touching phantom limbs and ephemeral vine. Closed eyes focused on aery chimera that plays like faded film, enshrouding me in palpable memory like a mist. August oaks and […]

Sacred Human

Every cell in your body, every muscle, bone, tendon, artery, vein, capillary, and the blood the flows through them, every neuron that fires thought both pleasant and unpleasant, every memory […]